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-High antioxidant (anti aging,disease prevention,health and longevity) -Lower cholesterol,preventing cardiovascular disease,help diminish the risk of heart disease -Hydrate colon,away from constipated,lower rate of colon cancer
Camillia oil (also known as Tsubaki oil in Japanese) is an effective emollient. It has been used as raw material to produce Shabondama Mutenka Shampoo (Additive Free Shampoo) to soften hair and makes it more manageable. Apart from that, it can also restore hair’s natural sheen.
Time proven natural solution to get rid of gall stones safely with organic wholesome foods. Come in handy packaging and serve as great gift idea for your love one.
Additive free natural baby bar soap imported from Japan specially design for delicate skin. Shabondama choose the mildest ingredients to create this extra gentle soap that is safe to new born infants.
helps to improve digestion, blood circulation and liver function, glucose metabolism, and prevent obesity.