Ningún producto
IRONFIT® Plus is a liquid iron formula carefully formulated from fruits rich in antioxidants, herb extracts rich in minerals and special bioactive iron compound which is easy for intestinal absorption. It supplements your daily iron requirement for vitality and endurance all day long!.
Ginkgo Pomegranate Brain Power is rich in powerful antioxidant compounds from herbs which soothe the brain and nervous system. The unique blend of gingko, green tea, green oat and pomegranate helps to reduce oxidative stress on your nervous system and gives you a real boost for extra mental resilience and concentration power.
Quality rest and sleep is crucial for proper maintenance and functioning of our mind and body. However, stressful and hectic lifestyle of both adults and children are stopping us from getting them.
Mulberry is classified as blood tonic. It can strengthen eyesight,benefit kidney and liver function, and regulate menstruation.
BENEFITS• Normalised balance of enzymes.• Maintain acid-alkaline balance.• Increased ATP energy metabolism in the cells.• Adjusted metabolism.• Balanced digestion and assimilation of nutrients.• Protection against formation of free radicals.• Balanced intestinal microflora.• Strong immune system and balanced antioxidative processes.
Building an Immune System for Long-Term Protection Having trouble selecting the best foods for long-term protection to your immunity? Don’t worry! Here are our top organic solutions to boost the immune system’s long-term defenses: Regulatpro Bio, 350ml Why Not? Organic Friendly Flora Blend (For All), 150g